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  Early Maori adapted the tropically based east Polynesian culture in line with the challenges associated with a larger and more diverse environment, eventually developing their own distinctive culture.

  Even though the majority of the population now lives in cities, much of New Zealand ’s art, literature, film and humor has rural themes.

  The British and Irish immigrants brought aspects of their own culture to New Zealand and also influenced Maori culture. More recently American, Australian, Asian and other European cultures have exerted influence on New Zealand.

  New Zealand music has been influenced by blues, jazz, country, rock and roll and hip hop, with many of these genres given a unique New Zealand interpretation. M āori developed traditional chants and songs from their ancient South-East Asian origins, and after centuries of isolation created a unique “monotonous” and “doleful” sound.

  Our vision recognises that our distinctive culture is core to what makes New Zealand a great place to live. Cultural expression, engagement and understanding are fundamental to a vibrant and healthy society and help define what it is to be a New Zealander.

  M āori culture makes New Zealand unique in a globalised world and is central to our sense of place, identifying us as a nation. Active participation by Māori in distinct te ao Māori activity, will ensure Māori culture is protected and flourishes.

  Manat ū Taonga / the Ministry for Culture and Heritage (the Ministry) is the Government ’s leading advisor on cultural matters; funds, monitors and supports a range of cultural agencies; and delivers a range of high quality cultural products and services.

  The Ministry provides advice to the Government on where to focus its interventions in the cultural sector. The Ministry seeks to ensure that Vote funding is invested as effectively and efficiently as possible, and that the Government’s priorities are met.

  The Ministry has a strong track record of delivering high quality publications (including websites), managing our significant heritage and commemorations, and acting as guardian of New Zealand’s culture and kaitiaki of New Zealand’s taonga. Our work prioritises cultural outcomes and supports educational, economic, and social outcomes linking with the work of a range of other government agencies.


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